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Film Poster Analytical Essay: The Expendables


The Expendables have a quite spectacular poster. The poster consists of three main areas. The top, where there is the list of actors and actresses which are in the film. The middle part which has a photo and the title. and the bottom part which has the crew that is involved in this film. The Expendables received mixed reviews, praising the action scenes, but criticizing the lack of story. However, it was commercially successful, opening at number one at the box office in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and India. I thought this was an excellent film poster.


This film poster is so good because it is straight to the point, it is an action film. This could be easily analyzed as the Empire comments, “the most awesome action cast ever assembled”. Another way to see this is Jet Li. Jet Li is holding a really powerful looking gun. This is a clear signifier the film will have an intense action in it. There is also Jason Statham wearing full body armor. This shows he is ready for action. Finally, there is also Sylvester Stallone in the front looking like he is ready for anything. His hyper-masculinity is overwhelming. He has his muscles looking super buff, with his glasses he is looking like he is perfect for his role as the lead actor in this movie.


The Expendables is such a good poster because of a number of reasons. One reason is the background. The background contains two parts. One is the fire and the other one is the remains of an explosion. The fire part is a very interesting color scheme. You can tell it is real as the fire is different in different places, for example, it is super light in one place suggesting the fire already passed through there and very fiery orange suggesting the fire just got there. This is a very interesting way they showed this. The remaining part of the explosion is piled like a landfill. This could be telling us that there were many things here. All of these objects look very tiny, so it might be shot in a very dense storage area. Also, it is all brown which tells us it was just burned.

There is also a picture with the main cast. This might be to attract people who really like these actors come watch this film. There are a lot of people who like to watch films just because of the actors in this. Sylvester Stallone is a very famous actor due to his appearances in many movies. He starred as Rocky Balboa in all six Rocky films and also in 2015 played as Rocky in Creed. He has many fans around the world, but what people are really interested in for this film could be Sylvester Stallone as the director. Just below the title, there is Sylvester Stallone written down as both the Director and the Writer of this film. Jason Statham, the man on the right, is also a very famous actor. He appeared in Fast and Furious 7 and is known for doing his own stage combat and stage stunts. Jet Li is a not so famous character around the world but is very famous in China. Jet Li is a retired Wu Shu player. Wu Shu is a sport which combines all Chinese martial arts. I think that people who like these actors will definitely watch this movie.


Overall, I think that The Expendables have an amazing film poster. They have structured it perfectly so the audience can find what they want to see. It is very clear as the title is in contrast to the other parts of the poster. It is eye-catching with all the different colors used. There is also the release date for the ease of audience. The film has successfully signified this film’s genre and what it will be about, this helps the audience a lot. In conclusion, I think this is an outstanding film poster.

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